Monday 20 June 2011

When life gives you plums . . . crumble!

Seeing as I spend a lot of my time cooking and baking, I thought I would start to introduce you to a few recipes - as and when I discover them...or make them up!

One of the best things about living in a market town is taking a trip down to the stalls as they are closing and grabbing some real bargains.  The only problem?  Getting home and working out what to do with 4 packets of blueberries, 4 avocados or a massive bag of plums.

On a rainy day like today (well, the past few days) I always want to snuggle up at home and eat proper home cooked food, so I closed the blinds, put on the oven and started to cook one of my favourite puddings - with a plum based twist!

Spiced plum crumble

(Preheat the oven to 200C)

Take 10-15 plums (I used 12), remove stones and quarter.  Add to pan with large knob of butter.

Add spices (1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ginger, grated nutmeg), 2 tbsp sugar (I used 1 tbsp soft light brown, 1 tbsp golden caster - add more if you want it sweeter), 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, dash orange juice 

Cook over a medium heat for 10 minutes then transfer to an oven dish

Onto the crumble! 

Take 100g plain flour, 50g butter and 50g sugar (I used a mixture of soft brown/golden caster again)

Rub butter into flour and sugar or whack in the food processor until it reaches the consistency of damp I think best describes it :)

Next bit's up to you...add a handful of porridge oats and start topping the plums

Make sure the fruit is totally covered before sticking in the oven for half an hour

Allow to cool before spooning out, serving with ice cream and shovelling down.

What do you think about recipes on here? Shall I continue?  I have a rather splendid chocolate chip cookie you may enjoy...

Let me know :)


  1. It tasted good! Glad you enjoy - I may just have to continue :)

  2. mmm looks beautiful! you should deffo carry on with the recipies =) i <3 your blog btw, please follow me back at

  3. I can't stand plums but I love crumble so I'd definitely sub this with apples and berries. Definitely post about the cookies, they look amazing!


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